Fluoride has been called one of the ten greatest public health achievements in the 20th century by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. On January 25, 1945, Grand Rapids, Michigan, became the first community in the United States to fluoridate its drinking water to prevent caries. With the introduction of community water fluoridation, fluoride was accredited with reducing caries by up to 70%. Although some toothpastes did contain fluoride, it did not become a part of everyone’s daily routine until 1956, when Crest began marketing their brand with “Look, mom! No Cavities” slogans amid Norman Rockwell portraits of smiling children.

Fluoride is now back again, this time along with a silver component. Called Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF), it may be set to rock the dental world just as water fluoridation did over 70 years ago.

Silver Diamine Fluoride has been used throughout the world for many years. Its use as an alternative approach to treatment of cavities in children may help in preventing the need for operative treatment or delay treatment until the child is older where it can be accomplished in a safer manner. This can help to avoid sedation (anesthesia), or be used for treatment in a medically compromised child that cannot undergo routine restorative treatments. The major disadvantage to Silver Diamine Fluoride is cosmetic, as it blackens the decay when applied.

Recently, in the United States, Silver Diamine Fluoride has been introduced and approved by the FDA. It is marketed as “Advantage Arrest”, and distributed from Elevate Oral Care.

Dr. LaCorte has had extensive experience with Silver Diamine Fluoride, and has seen its usage and benefits in numerous children from all over the globe since 1992.

If you are interested in more information about Silver Diamine Fluoride or you think your child may benefit from it, please call to schedule an appointment for an evaluation.